Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd.

Message from Managing Director

Welcome to Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd. (KISCO) website.

Since the foundation of KISCO in 1978, a great number of Kobelco crawler cranes have been supplied to ASEAN region and still working today. I am proud and grateful to our customers for their continuing support in their choice of our products. With our range of crawler crane line, our customers, business partners have been and are still contributing greatly to the outstanding development and growth of ASEAN countries together.

Thanks to our valued customers, business partners and stake holders, Kobelco crawler cranes have earned an excellent reputation for their performance, quality, durability and reliability not only in this region but also around the world.

Going forward, the most important mission for us is to raise our customers’ satisfaction to a much higher level. We can and will achieve this with our commitment to provide our products with the highest quality and value added services to keep our customer’s cranes working in optimum condition.

The recent establishment of a new spare parts depot in Singapore, “Kobelco Global Parts Center”, in early January 2015 is part of our commitment and initiatives to support our regional customer base. With these initiatives, we look forward to expand and support our Kobelco crane customer base within the region and around the world.

The dynamic ASEAN economies will continue on a path of expansion. We at KISCO are proud to contribute to this growth of ASEAN economies with our valued customers, business partners and all stakeholders.
Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd.
Takashi Iwata
Managing Director
*As of April 1st, Kobelco Cranes Southeast Asia Pte. Ltd. (KCSA) is merged into KISCO, and KISCO, as the surviving company, will continue with the crane business. The union of these subsidiaries in the Southeast Asia market takes place following the KOBELCO Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. global construction machinery excavators and cranes merger that was announced in April 2016.

Company Outline

Name Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd.
Founded February,1978
Office 10, Tuas Ave 5 Singapore 639336
Capital USD11,113,400-
Stockholder Kobelco Construction Machinery Southeast Asia Co., Ltd. (Thailand) 100%
Managing Director Takashi Iwata
Business Operations Sales and Servicing of Construction Machinery.

Sales and Service

Sales and Service Area

Sales and Service area :

Vietnam , Laos , Cambodia , Thailand , Myanmar , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka , Malaysia , Singapore , Indonesia , Brunei , Philippines
Kobelco International (S) Co., Pte. Ltd.
Distributor Network


Address 10, Tuas Ave 5 Singapore 639336
Tel +65-6268-1308
Fax +65-6268-2490

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